
Be a part of Karkloof100… Shout out for volunteers!


With the Karkloof 100 Miler starting exactly 5 weeks from today, I’m putting the call out, sounding the trumpets so to speak and encouraging you to drive into the Karkloof Valley come 21, 22 and 23 September to experience it first-hand.


If you want to get some insight and feel the vibe, then watch Hundred Mile Horizon, a film made about three of the 2017 participants on the 100 Miler Course – it’s truly inspirational stuff! Check it out HERE.


The event takes place over a long weekend and we are appealing to the community for assistance as official volunteers at Aid Stations, Marshalls and other roles on course and around the race venue at Yard41 in Howick. If you are keen to be involved from the other side and can assist, even if only for a portion of the event, please click here and add your details to the official volunteers list.


Equally, we are encouraging you to simply get out there on course and see and feel the vibe of what trail running and the ultra-distances are all about. Many runners will have crews, pacers and support lined up at the view points and aid stations along the way, but some will not, and every bit of encouragement will help them to continue along the trail. There will be many places to spectate the race, but highlights will be Yard41, Bushwillow Park and Benvie Gardens. Food and drink will be on sale at each of these places – just bring along a few cheers and a great vibe!


The Karkloof100 2018 Guide (see guide HERE) has plenty of information, including directions and estimated times the leaders would be expected. We have changed the start time of the 100 Miler to 8pm, which is a much more conducive time for family and friends to cheer participants as they head off on their journey. With the race being as long as it is, there is ample opportunity to get involved on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 September with the final runner expected early on Sunday morning.