
Disconnecting to Reconnect

Work, family, household pressures, exercise the dog, check mails. Deadline looming. Did I check the kids notebooks? Squeeze in a run if I can, interrupted regularly by ringtones. Repeat tomorrow. Sound familiar??

The pace of life with insta-everything is so far removed from that of our ancestors, for whom close community and connection to nature were everything. So, finding precious moments to disconnect from technology and reconnect with our families, ourselves, is the new survival strategy.

This is something I have been failing at recently, but I’m taking a step back, towards better connections and will be listening to different “tones” on the trails from now on!!

We are taking some time out in the Lowveld, but don’t fear – it’s business as usual at the KZNTR Head Quarters! Shilisha and Eleanor will continue to capably assist you with your entry and admin inquiries respectively, and we will regularly check in ourselves.